CMD Commands

Cmd or command prompt is a terminal which is used to access developer commands or to run programs in any programming language .

Many of the time we face hurdles while working with terminal due to small - small things , in that case Cmd commands helps us to make our work easier .

Some important cmd Commands are noted down:-

•Create New Folder

mkdir - Make Directory & creates a new folder on the working directory

/> mkdir [folderName]

•Up one Directory

cd.. - Change directory to go PS one folder up

/> cd..

•Copy files

copy - copies the file (file.txt) to destination (copyfile.txt)

/> copy [file] [destination]


ren - To rename files and folders

/> ren [folder] [newFolderName]

•Delete Files

del - Deletes files and files IPS in a folder

/> del [file]